Friday, December 3, 2010


The Real Cost of Smoking.

                                        This is an informative clip that is presented by Dr. Joshua Fink who is a specialist in pulmonary surgery. This clip includes some information not only about the consequences that smoking has on your health but it also touches on the monetary effects which i think is important to realize also.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Great info on second hand smoke.
In my opinion most people who smoke have the mindset that they should be left alone, that they aren't hurting anyone except for themselves.If only this was the case if you'll follow this link it really has some great information about second hand smoking.  The article has basic facts such as what is second hand smoke? to questions that maybe you've never thought of such as is there a safe level of second hand smoke?

Anti smoking ad

This is a clip that has parts that most people will recognize it has bits of characters that have helped sell millions of cigarettes. At the end you get to see the effects of  the advertisements.

Some Smoking facts and fiction.
On This page you can find a list of some of the ingredients in cigarettes. This mostly just makes understanding the decision to start smoking and especially continue more confusing.

Homepage - American Lung Association

Homepage - American Lung Association
I thought that this would be a great page to view because it shows several different areas of types of Lung diseases, it focuses on smoking, how to quit smoking, the health effects, it even guides you through steps to take to join in the the avocation of tobacco control. This website lists many useful facts related to the disadvantages of smoking, one of biggest disadvantages being Lung cancer. It is the second-most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women, but it is the most common cause of cancer death. It throws out information such as that smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and how 50,000 people die of second hand smoke each year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Third hand smoke?

Wow yes third hand smoke really like first and second hand weren't enough now there is third hand.Well obviously this was new to me i can't give all the details away because you're gonna want to read the article but apparently when a cigarette is smoked the nicotine can be absorbed into walls and curtains. This is useful because when a person who is smoking leaves the room the smoke clears and the smell is gone you think that its ok after reading this you might think other wise.